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Westbrook Communities Local Area Plan


The Westbrook Communities Local Area Plan (the Plan) is the result of over three years of engagement with participants including youth, seniors, residents, business owners, community association and development industry representatives, and a dedicated and diverse working group. Feedback provided by participants throughout the process helped shape and refine the Plan that was brought forward to Council.

The Westbrook Communities Local Area Plan sets out the vision and policies to guide growth, change and investment in the communities of Wildwood, Spruce Cliff, Westgate, Rosscarrock, Shaganappi, Glendale, Killarney/ Glengarry, Glenbrook and the portions of Upper Scarboro/Sunalta West and Richmond that are west of Crowchild Trail. In addition to policies directing how land can be used and redevelopment in the area, the Plan identifies actions that can be taken to support communities as they experience growth and change.

With the approval of the Westbrook Communities Local Area Plan, there is now direction in place to support the evolution of the area over the next 30 years—providing direction on future development and investment that residents, landowners, builders/developers, City Planners and Councillors can commonly refer to when new development and investment ideas are proposed. The Plan supports revitalization of Westbrook Station, enhanced mobility options, increased housing choice, enhanced local parks and open spaces and the addition of local commercial amenities.

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